Karjera: Vadovu ir kolegu moralines vertybes yra nuliniame lygyje. Seksizmas, priekabiavimas, melavimas, alkoholis, vertimai daryti tai, ko nenori, nuolatinis moteru seksualizavimas ir objektizavimas. Nezinau, kodel zmones vis dar renkasi ir dirba ten, kuomet mato [...]
Veiklos kodas: 631200
Veiklos rūšis: Interneto vartų paslaugų veikla
Kilo.Health is a digital business working in the health industry. Our main markets are the USA, Canada, Australia, Brazil, Mexico & the UK. The company was founded more than 8 years ago, and it took a while to find our niche. Though we did it, and now we strive to be the leader in the wellness category globally. Don’t wish us luck. Come work with us to see it happen.